Talking therapy

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)

The therapeutic proposition here is that Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) can modify an individual’s behavioural and cognitive patterns regarding their tinnitus, which in turn reduces the condition’s distressing and intrusive nature.

Treatment Details:
CBT employs a variety of strategies, including relaxation techniques, imagery modification, and the examination of the validity of one’s beliefs about tinnitus. The therapy can be conducted in individual or group sessions, typically once a week, over a span of 8 to 24 weeks. Additionally, CBT is also available as an online treatment option.

Considerations and Potential Limitations:
Adverse effects associated with CBT for tinnitus have been minimal, as reported in clinical trials. However, the cost could be a barrier for individuals seeking treatment outside of publicly funded healthcare services.

Research Overview:
A significant volume of research, including numerous papers, has been dedicated to exploring the efficacy of CBT and its specific application for tinnitus.

Research Conclusions:
CBT has been shown to potentially reduce the impact of tinnitus on individuals’ quality of life, with researchers expressing confidence in its short-term benefits for those afflicted by the condition.

There is evidence to suggest that CBT for tinnitus can be particularly beneficial for individuals who also experience depression.

The mode of delivery for CBT, whether in-person or online, does not appear to significantly affect its efficacy.

Recognizing its potential benefits, the NICE guidelines in the UK advocate for the provision of CBT to individuals with tinnitus if the condition continues to adversely affect their emotional and social well-being or daily activities, even after receiving initial tinnitus support.

Similarly, a European guideline strongly endorses the utilization of CBT in the management of tinnitus, further underscoring its perceived therapeutic value in this context.





Tinnitus Help Recommendation

Recommended after consultation with a healthcare professional.