CBD Dietary Supplements

Eagle Hemp CBD Gummies

Eagle Hemp CBD Gummies (chewable gummy sweets containing hemp oil, clove extract, eucalyptus, coconut oil, and ginger extract)

Claim: Promotes advancement in psychological, physiological, and neurological health.

– Animal models suggest cannabinoids may promote tinnitus development.
– Users of marijuana are more prone to experiencing tinnitus.
– Excessive coconut oil consumption may lead to lipid imbalance and cardiovascular disease risk.
– Pure eucalyptus oil consumption is unsafe.
– Consideration of the treatment’s cost.

– A PubMed search using “tinnitus + cannabinoid” retrieved 10 relevant papers.
– No systematic studies have examined cannabinoids’ effects on tinnitus in humans to date.
– Different cannabinoids might yield varied effects on tinnitus.
– Uncertainty regarding the efficacy of clove and ginger in treating medical conditions.
– Robust large-scale clinical trials are needed to confirm the benefits of coconut oil.

Given the potential risks, lack of concrete evidence, and safety concerns regarding the treatment’s ingredients, individuals should approach Eagle Hemp CBD Gummies with caution.

Consulting a healthcare professional is advisable, especially for those considering cannabinoid-based treatments for tinnitus. Additionally, the cost should be carefully weighed against potential benefits and risks.





Tinnitus Help Recommendation

Not recommended