
Hearing Aids

This treatment employs in-ear amplification devices, which can be fitted in one or both ears, depending on the individual’s needs.

What is the Treatment?
The method involves using in-ear amplification devices designed to help manage tinnitus symptoms.

What are the Downsides of this Treatment?
Although considered safe, there are costs associated with acquiring these devices privately.
Research Insights

Has Research Been Conducted on This Treatment?
Yes, recent studies have extensively explored the efficacy of this treatment.

What Do Research Findings Indicate?
Research indicates that using hearing aids can significantly reduce the loudness and distress associated with tinnitus, as assessed by the Tinnitus Handicap Inventory (THI). The benefits are notably enhanced when the amplification settings are precisely calibrated. Hearing aids have proven to be particularly beneficial for individuals experiencing unilateral tinnitus and hearing loss in the corresponding ear.

Although earlier reviews were inconclusive regarding the efficacy of hearing aids in treating tinnitus, newer research supports their beneficial impact. According to NICE guidelines, hearing aids are recommended for individuals with tinnitus who experience hearing loss that impacts their communicative abilities and should be considered for those who have hearing loss without significant communicative challenges.





Tinnitus Help Recommendation

Recommended after consultation with a healthcare professional.

Product detail

Hearing aids and masking devices come in a variety of shapes and brands. Below are a list of reputable brands: