

Producers of Lenire tout the device as a method to “retrain brain neurons, diminishing their focus and sensitivity to the sounds of tinnitus.”

Treatment Overview:
Lenire employs a novel approach by delivering gentle electrical stimulation to the tongue, synchronized with auditory inputs through headphones. The recommended usage is an hour per day over a span of at least 12 weeks.

Potential Complications:
During clinical evaluations, approximately one-third of participants experienced a temporary intensification of their tinnitus symptoms, although these typically subsided by the study’s conclusion. Additionally, the financial aspect could be a deterrent for some, with costs reaching up to £3,600.

Research Insights:
Investigations into Lenire are backed by five published studies examining its efficacy and safety.

Findings from the Studies:
The outcomes of the clinical trials were promising, with 95% of those who adhered to the treatment protocol witnessing a decrease in their Tinnitus Handicap Inventory (THI) scores.

Furthermore, 84% of participants reported a reduction in their Tinnitus Functional Index (TFI) scores after the 12-week period.

This product has been recently FDA approved.





Tinnitus Help Recommendation

Recommended with caution

Product Detail

Official Website: